
How to Properly Seed Your Business

Blog post / Marketing Consulting / Ministry Topic

How to Properly Seed Your Business

[box] Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” – Zechariah 4:10[/box]

Small business growth is a development process that simply begins with a tiny seed, 🌱. In the development phase, seeds must be carefully sown to build a firm foundation. Businesses that flourish consistently are cultivated by sowing and reaping a healthy harvest. 

When you think of seeding a small business what usually comes to mind? For many business owners it’s seed money, 🌱💰. Seeding a business is about more than merely money, it’s about ground breaking strategies! One plant, Some water, but it is God who does the increase! This means: each person has an assignment to do. One person plants the seeds and another adds water. Then God grants favor and blessings, causing the business to grow.

Before a business owner can begin “making money moves” they must first begin “making ministry moves.” Ministry Moves are carried out by anyone who desires to use their gifts and abilities to execute God’s Plan. According to @McCoySolutions_,  Ministry Moves are biblical principles (i.e. strategies) used to produce growth. 

👇🏽Short story👇🏽

[box] “The Ambitious Entrepreneur”

An entrepreneur has good ideas needed to start a new business. He/She launches the business, but encounters problems preventing advancement. After not seeing a consistent harvest, discouragement creeps in. “Be not dismayed,” replied the marketing consultant. Properly seeding your business takes proper planning! Simply believing your business will grow is not enough to produce a bountiful harvest. You have to implement the work. Planting seeds for healthy growth involves strategies written down in your business and marketing plans. The combination of having both seeds of faith and taking action are key ingredients needed to properly seed your business.[/box]

Simply put, faith without work is dead!

 Faith = Seed (+) Work = Growth. The seed is the evidence needed to prove there is potential for Small Business Growth. Were you able to identify yourself in the story above and need a marketing plan to grow your business?

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What is Groundbreaking and Why is it Important?

Business and Marketing plans are typically created before the business breaks ground. Many business owners symbolize the start of a new business construction by having a groundbreaking ceremony, inviting other business owners and dignitaries.

Some History: Groundbreaking ceremony is a traditional event held in many cultures. The action of breaking the ground (earth) represents the importation of a sacred deposit, transitioning from faith to work. Symbolizing the establishment of a firm foundation and a good example of a biblical concept. 

Zechariah 4:10 “Do not despise small beginnings…” 

What you do for God may seem small and insignificant at the time, but God rejoices in what is right, not necessarily in what is big. Be faithful in the small opportunities. Begin where you are and do what you can, and leave the results to God. – Source: Life Application Bible

Dream big, but start small, business owners, entrepreneurs, and students. Your ability to consistently plant healthy spiritual seeds is the main source to what you receive in the physical. Simply put, your business will reap what you sow. So now the question is, “What kind of seeds are you planting?”

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Comments (5)

  1. Kimberly Floyd

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. Proper planning is the main ingredient to success.

    1. Mrs. Floyd,

      Thank you for taking the time to respond to our latest post. Make sure you join our email listing to stay updated and share content.
      Much Love, @McCoySolutions

  2. TarleaSe Jones

    Amazing article. And I can relate in so many ways. As a young entrepreneur, I am definitely in the planting stages. Praying for full growth and potential from myself and my God who has granted me these talents, treasures and skills. 😉

    However I can definitely relate to what you said in references to Zechariah 4:10. God is not looking for Big. He is only looking for trust and obedience. And protecting that which He has given you.

    Thank you for such encouraging words on this frightful journey into business ownership.

  3. Tarlease Jones

    Question: How do we stay faithful in the waiting (planting) process? And not lose sight to what God has promised us. Despite the obstacles. Personal and professional?

    Would love your insight if allowed?

    1. Answer: Tarlease,
      Thank you for asking @McCoySolutions_ such great questions. In the planting season, you have to sometimes retreat (pull back) from others and connect closer to God. Reading the Word of God and reflecting on past victories will keep you encouraged.

      Start journaling your victories. Document the dates, scriptures, and time God answered your prayers. This will guarantee increase your faith.

      Expect more details on faith in “Faith it, Till you Make It” blog on March 16, 2020.

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