No Justice, No Peace!
June 19, 2020 2020-06-19 17:15No Justice, No Peace!
No Justice, No Peace!
8 minutes, 46 seconds Mr. Floyd’s Public Execution! As his life came to an abrupt halt, THE WORLD WATCHED. We can’t keep silent! 💔💔💔
No Justice, No Peace!
What does this statement mean? All races of people are unifying. In the streets of Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, and all around the world. Parading with signs, singing songs, and even preaching the gospel. Our announcement, “We Are Tired!” Who is “the we” I hear you asking? We the people of “these” United States. The ones who are forming a perfect union. To establish Justice, insure Tranquility, and secure Blessings of Liberty.” Take a moment to read “The Constitution.”
🇱🇷Coming to America 🇱🇷
Early in elementary school, history was my first love. This led to me memorizing “The Constitution.” Then reciting it verbatim. Standing before the class. I felt a sense of pride. In spite of knowing my history. Faith for change remained. Starting with one life at a time. Little did I know. America’s reality forced me to change perspectives. Abruptly tainted my childhood hope for equality. 🇱🇷
History, “His Story!”
This is the story of my ancestors. Coming to America stripped of our identity. Everything associated with our culture was taken away! Everything! From our native language, traditional attire, to our native cuisine. All stripped to become sole proprietor of “the master’s” possession. Our birth names traded for plantation owner’s names. Families separated. Interracial rape. Derogatory dispositions. My Lord, I’m crying as I type this!
Was the purpose of expanding the economy worth the gain?
The gain that left pain. Which brought shame and left stains. Did my 5th generation grandfather gain? As he was separated from our family in Ireland and landed in Louisiana. “Who did this gain benefit?” Was this gain created for “We the People?” 9.17.1787, when the constitution was established. Did America’s forefathers have ALL human rights in mind?” As each Article was written, was America’s forefathers thinking about my ancestors?
As a millennial, I see…
- Broken systematic laws established to maintain segregation.
- Separation in education from one zip code to the next.
- People living in mental and physical prisons.
- Rejections from prejudice.
- People perishing for a lack of knowledge.
It’s hard to see change. When our narrative is a vicious repetitive cycle. Mr. George Floyd was not the first to cry “I Can’t Breathe!” I declare, This era is over! NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!!!
No Longer Will We Live in Fear!
JUSTICE is not a request. It has become a DEMAND! “We the people” DEMAND JUSTICE for all races. For over 400 years, Black people has been discriminated against. Due to the color of our skin. Wake up America! Black Lives Matter is not saying All lives don’t matter! We are saying Black Lives deserve Justice and Peace!
“ 1 in 3 African American males are in prison -Versus- 1 in 17 Caucasian males (Bureau of Justice).”
Injustice laws and secret societies creating them. Must cease immediately! We deserve equality! News flash, we are human too! Human beings are not property to “the master” or to “the state.” No matter what the clauses in the 13th amendment says. HUMAN LIVES MATTER!
When will we stop being judged by the color of skin and start with the content of our character (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)?
When America? When?
Change Has Come!
People are registering to vote. Fair systems are being created. We are enforcing accountability. Starting with brave conversations. Our video cameras are on! Lights, Camera, Action! The heart of the king is still in God’s Hands. Prayer is our weapon (Ephesians 6) !
Praying (+) Protesting = Justice
We WILL NOT allow Convict Leasing, Jim Crow laws, or other injustice systems to prevail. Freedom is ringing! While we sing the Negro National Anthem. Lifting our voices. Singing and marching to Victory!
Mr. George Floyd, I apologize for your unfair death! My prayers are extended to your family, friends, and community. #JusticeForFloyd #God Bless America
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Comments (6)
LaTyna Jalieba
This was amazingly good. Thank you for this… the world needs it
LaTyna Jalieba,
Thank you for your feedback. We agree…the world needs the truth and love! Please share and help spread the word!
Team @McCoySolutions_
Kimberly Floyd
Thank you for taking the time to research “his-story” and share it’s facts. The truth is we were brought here as property. There was never any intention on making the minority equal in a system created for us fail. Because we are humans and nature see us as so, it was inevitable that we rose up and gain a voice. Time was definitely on our side.
Mrs. Kimberly Floyd,
Well said, my love! Research is the first step to gaining knowledge and freedom. Your feedback confirms the truth, as it’s already exposed. Thank you for sharing.
Peace & Blessings,
Love Team @McCoySolutions_
My favorite part is Justice is not a request but a demand. I feel like that one statements sums it all up. Yes, we are tired and exhausted, including myself and the precious life of my children. Who I fear daily letting them leave my side in fear of who may judge them simply based upon their appearance. It’s frightening and disheartening to still be called a “minority” in America. I agree with Kimberly from above. It cannot protect those it was never intended for. I stand in agreement with you that, that will not be the excuse any more. No Justice, No Peace!
Come on Justice is not a Request, but a Demand! #Favorite Social injustice is heartbreaking. Creating blogs like this, hopefully creates awareness and begin dialog. Before change offers we have to start with a conversation.
Don’t forget we (Christians) are not of this world. God’s kingdom is protecting us!
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