
Louisiana to Los Angeles, The Time is Now…..Jump!

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Louisiana to Los Angeles, The Time is Now…..Jump!

McCoy Marketing Solutions, LLC awakened within my spirit in May 2014 in Shreveport, Louisiana. The dream was inspired by the owner of a franchise business and took wings in November of the same year. By taking a Leap of Faith, I opened a window of opportunity to become an Entrepreneur. This venture is more than revenue generator; it is my destiny. I delight in encouraging others to be consistent in their personal and professional branding. From Louisiana to Los Angeles, from southern hospitality to Southern California, I now invite you to pursue your path, your brand, and your dreams through the McCoy Marketing Solutions, LLC network!

Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 KHV)

As a young child, I knew becoming an entrepreneur was my life’s purpose, but I was afraid of the responsibility of not having a 9 to 5. Fear paralyzed my ability to move and I accepted a traditional way of thinking (or concept). Being the daughter of Baby Boomers, my parents taught me to go to college then get a job working for someone else (or working someone else’s dream). I did just that, but I was recently reminded while you are building someone else dreams, don’t forget daily to work on your own goals. After graduating from college, in Shreveport, it was difficult to land a career job in marketing. I began working pro bono for a local food franchise and later become an independent contractor. Little did I know, I began applying academic knowledge to real life experiences.

Steps on how to take a Leap of Faith

  1. You have to JUMP! Steve Harvey talks about how you jump into a life of abundance  (click the link to view Steve Harvey’s video ). It’s stepping into to the realm of the unknown knowing that God will guide your journey. I did just that when I quit my 9 to 5, sold majority of my possessions, moved in with my parents and then moved to California. Many people thought I was crazy moving without a 9 to 5 job  waiting on me. But I knew this is what God wanted me to do!
  2. Take Immediate Action! Once you know what God wants you to do, don’t question yourself. Prepare for the journey. I changed my mailing address, change my gym membership to L.A., and started disposing unnecessary items.
  3. Travel Light. Get rid of unnecessary stuff! Many things you think you need, you really don’t. Items you accumulate over the years become clutter. Too many items both physically and emotionally can easily lead to hoarding. There is a arbitrary line between collecting and hoarding unnecessary stuff!

Faith has a way of aligning perfectly into our destiny. As I was moving from La to L.A. I began picking up more clients. I gained more exposure and developing my dream business daily. After you jump, remember the journey has just began. Don’t stress. Enjoy the ride. And trust God.

Welcome to Abundant living!

Your gifts will make room for you and bring you before great people.

Coming soon… How to Service your Market!

Comments (4)

  1. Yes Jump! That’s why they call learning how to jump out of planes, JUMP SCHOOL. Yes,to take a leap of faith requires a jump first.

    1. Veronica, Love your feedback!

  2. Cornelious

    Love it! Step out on faith. Moving from Southern comfort to southern California.

    1. Thank you for sharing your feedback! Don’t forget to share on social media.

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