
It’s Costly!

Ministry Topic

It’s Costly!

Matthew 16: 24-25 

  1. Jesus said unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself. Take up his cross and follow me.
  2. For whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 

   What if it cost? God interrupting your daily routine? For a day of worship. Would you shut your business down? What if it cost? The extension of the Daniel Fast. Past 21 days. For a closer relationship with God. Would you do it? What if it cost? Living a minimalist lifestyle. Would you sell your possession? Many of us would question God. We would need more proof. As if God’s Word is not proof enough!  Responding with doubt in our voice, “Say what Jesus?“What about selling my stuff?” “Now wait a minute!” You know my bestie and I made a declaration. We’re like “Happy Bunny.” That means, we are wired to love receiving stuff. What happens when you praise stuff above God? The God who gave you the stuff. What will it cost you to gain the whole world and lose your soul?

Ministry Moment: Jesus & the Rich Man

  (Mathew 19:16- 23) A rich man came to Jesus. Asking about salvation. What must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus said, “Sell your possessions and come follow me.” The rich man was prepared to follow Jesus. Until he heard “It’s Costly.”  He weighed his pros and cons. Tangible value (his wealth) versus intangible value (eternal life). Then walked away sad. Unwilling to give up his material possessions. The moral of the story: Don’t allow deception of value to interfere with your relationship with Christ. 

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More Insight on the Rich Man

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Christ goes on to say. It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Then a rich man to enter into heaven. It appears impossible. All things are possible with God. Whatever you give up for the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a gain. (Mathew 19:29) Everyone that hath forsaken houses, brethren, sister, father, mother, wife, children, or lands, for my name’s sake. Shall receive an hundredfold and Inherit everlasting life -Jesus.

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The Anointing is Expensive 

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   Confession: The road to salvation. Freedom in Christ. It’s Costly! No sir/ma’am, not for the faint at heart 🙅🏽‍♀️❤️.  More precious than rubies and diamonds. It’s expensive. As in a high cost or sacrifice.  BUT (Anytime you see the word but, that means scratch out everything before). BUT GOD! Make this declaration with me! “I, (insert your name here), give up my life, success, credentials, goals etc. to follow Christ. I give God my “MY” in exchange for His Will. (Matthew 6: 9-10) Our Father which art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy Will Be Done… Amen!” Now, you have a new heart. 

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A Heart for Christ

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   My heart longs for the heart of our Savior. For Christ approval. I exchange my desires for His Will. What is your desire? 

  • Acceptance of man
  • Security in money
  • Popularity 
  • Desire for relationships

What is it? I am guilty of all the above. “BUT GOD!” What God Says, Shameka Says. Choose to believe with me. God’s Will versus Man’s Will! It Cost Me Crazy Faith! Crazy Faith led me to exchange my heart’s desires for Christ. 

Short Exercise. Create a Google Sheets. #Motivation 

Month.Day.Year (a.m.)



Write God’s Will for your life here.  Write the date God’s Will manifested here. Don’t forget to give God the credit. 


Yes, It’s costly. Anointing Oil is expensive. Praying, fasting, seeking God’s face, reading the word, less idle talking, and more talking to God. Warning: People will say it doesn’t take all that. Call you crazy. Plus talk about you. BUT GOD! The same thing happened to Jesus. He was ridiculed, beaten, bruised, spit on, given a crown of thorns, persecuted, and mocked. Why? The JOY that was set before HIM. He endured the cross (Hebrews 12:2). My response is the same. Joy! I minister the gospel in the marketplace for the Joy of salvation. 

Heaven’s kingdom is expanding. Someone is saying “Yes” to Christ by reading this blog. Angels in heaven are rejoicing. When one person accepts salvation (Luke 15:10). 

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The Invitation

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Dear Heavenly Father,

I (insert your name) acknowledge that I am a sinner. Who needs a savior. I repent (turn to the highest) of my sins. Come into my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name.



Welcome to the kingdom! Over 2,000 years ago our Savior, Jesus Christ exchanged his life. So you might have this moment! The COST is PAID FOR! Christ paid for your salvation and freedom! It is Finished (John 19:30)!

If you need help on your journey of faith. Email for resources. #MoreThanMarketingFirm #Ministry #ItsCostly

Comments (4)

  1. LaTyna Jalieba

    This was RIGHT on time !!! Thank you for your obedience and spirit led divine word from the Lord. I give GOD my YES… yet again land every day of my life to come. Though it’s costly my GOD paid the ultimate PRICE!! It’s the LEAST we can do!!!!

    1. LaTyna,

      Bless the Lord for on time word sis! Hallelujah! Faith and trust are 2 ingredients needed to giving God our “Yes!” Thank God, the cost for our salvation is our belief in Jesus Christ. He paid the ultimate cost on the cross. For us, the cost of prayer, reading the word of God, and worship is releasing the oil- “the anointing.” Thank you for your comments.

      Be Blessed!

  2. Tarlease jones

    What if its scary to give God our Yes. What if we dont know how to align our Yes to His Amen. How do we negate one selves to follow our Christ?

    1. Tarlease,

      (Deut. 31:6-9) “Be strong and good courage, fear not, nor be afraid. For the Lord thy God is with you. He is with you (intentionally said this twice). He will not fail or forsake you.”

      When Christ calls us, He equips us (Review our blog “Jesus Calling”). This means God has given you the tools (often through our life experiences) to respond BOLDLY with our YES! Don’t allow fear to paralyze you from moving forward. Bind fear, Loose Faith, in Jesus Name (Matthew 16:18)! Amen

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