
Faith It, Til You Make It

Blog post / Brand Management / Ministry Topic

Faith It, Til You Make It

[box] 2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith and not by sight.[/box]


Either you believe in faith or you don’t? 

Many people say “Fake” it till you make it. I say, “Faith” it, till you make it! Fake is something that’s not real. @McCoySolutions has to keep it real because it’s not only our name, but a part of our brand.


Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Just because you don’t see it in the natural realm doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I can feel faith. It’s an electrifying excitement. The kind that makes me shout out loud! It makes me emotional! Faith is REAL


[box] #MinistryMoments: Meeting Faith Face to Face

I met faith face to face! It’s intangible, but tangible. I AM a living witness that faith is real. Statistics say an unwed teenage mother has a hard chance of succeeding. The odds are against her, but the devil is a liar. I beat the odds because of the Power of Faith! I chose not to believe the statistics and turn a deaf ear to critics. Somewhere on my journey, I discovered I AM a Champion who walks by faith and is expanding the kingdom of heaven. We all have a spirit, whatever you feed it, that’s what’s going to be in control. “You are what you eat” takes on a deeper meaning in this context.[/box]


Who can you trust in this world? 

God is invisible, yet visible at the same time. He has a way of communicating to us. He assures us through our faith. I am forever grateful! Man is manipulative, cunning, deceitful, and comes with ulterior motives (based on Jeremiah 17: 9). Who can understand it? So why do we put that assurance, hope, trust, or guarantee in man? We can’t see a man’s heart. I believe in the hope and trust of the invisible, yet visible God. He gives an intangible assurance. The kind that might cause your neighbor to question your sanity. That my dear, that is faith. Faith is the substance of something hoped for. Faith is the ability to trust an invisible God that is yet visible.  


Many people who think because you don’t see God, God’s Plan don’t exist. So what does this really look like? Imagine believing in God to purchase a new home. Your search leads you to multiple locations and feeling uneasy about closing. After some time passed, you stop looking, but continued believing God was working it all out. We all know, faith without work is dead! A step beyond believing by faith is writing down your plan. Then, you have to execute the plan by taking action. Faith is taking a calculated risk. This is what I call, Faith it, till you make it!” Choose to walk by faith and not by sight. Choose to dare to believe the impossible is possible. 


Steps to increase your Faith:

  1. Ignore critics. These are the people who don’t believe. If you don’t practice walking by faith, how can you give advice on how to live by faith? 
  2. Focus your mind on things above. Everything else shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33. 
  3. Trust God. Faith is having confidence in God. Walking by faith, not by sight, that’s how you activate your faith. This takes mental work. Any battle worth conquering begins in your mind. You must believe you have the victory (in your mind) before the medal is physically placed in your hand.  


The secret to faith is releasing control over your will and surrendering to God’s Will for your life. Release means to move, act, or flow freely: “real ease.” Be at ease my friend, by putting 100% trust in God. This is done by giving God permission to be our Lord, the owner and operator of our lives. Yes, we have free will, but God is a gentleman. He does not force His will over ours. We have to accept Him, by surrendering to His authority. When we try to go against (resist) God’s Plan for our lives, we are operating out of alignment with the Will of God. Faith is allowing God to freely flow in our ministry/life. Relinquishing control is not easy, but with prayer comes supernatural power to do it. Go with the flow of Faith!


Comments (2)

  1. Chef Dee7

    In these trying times, we must have continuing faith in order for us to make it

    1. Chef Dee7,

      You are absolutely right. Thank you for your comments. Don’t forget to register for the blog and be brave about sharing your faith with others.


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