“Cut it at the Root!”
December 16, 2019 2019-12-16 7:30“Cut it at the Root!”
“Cut it at the Root!”
[box] He cuts out every branch in me that bears no fruit. John 15:2 [/box] Many people have a problem with walking in wholeness because they have “bad roots.” I know this to be true because I have experienced this myself. Often times in life, there is a false assumption we need to paint a perfect picture before we release the final product. What I discovered is this perfectionist spirit really is procrastination. Procrastination: means delaying or postponing something until a later date. This is where I pause to put both hands in the air, cause your girl is guilty as charged. You might be wondering what procrastination has to do with roots? Well, I’m glad you asked. What comes to mind when you think about roots? My teenage son would reply, “Root Beer.” However, for most people, we think about agriculture, dirt, trees, plants, etc.
My Father once told a story about “Vines and Branches.”
The father was tending to his garden. He told his son every branch that is not bearing fruit “He Cuts it Out.” Those branches that are bearing fruit he prunes, to make more room for good fruit. The son goes on to tell how his father explained they need each other because no branch can produce fruit by itself! It’s a ripple effect. The fruit needs the branch and the branches need the vine.
Pop Quiz. Who are the characters? The Son (the Narrator) is Jesus. The Father is “Daddy God.” You and I are the branches. The only way to “Cut it at the Root” is to allow “Daddy God” to prune fruit that isn’t productive. Now that hurts, but always remember: No Pain = No Gain! The purpose of addressing issues of life by cutting them at the root is to prepare for more good fruit.
Root: [ noun]
The underground part of a seed.
The part of the tooth within the socket.
The Base of a word.
The common thread in all three definitions is “The Root is the Base!” Once you address the root, you will gain clarity on why you might have respond passive aggressively to “bad roots.” I encourage you to not allow a nonchalant attitude stop you from “Keeping it Real.” This means being responsible by taking ownership. Don’t focus too long on what it “looks like.” Because babe (in my New Orleans accent), What it “looks like” ain’t what it is (Bad grammar, but good teaching)! My friend, a passive aggressive attitude is an example of procrastination. You gotta “Cut it at the Root!”
Simple steps to address Root problems:
Pray. Before praying, read the Word of God to locate scriptures that address the root of your problem(s). You might be surprised there are solutions for every concern in our lives in the B.I.B.L.E (Basic. Instruction. Before. Leaving. Earth.).
Evaluate. Pause. Meditate on the solution God gave you in the Word of God. Remain focused on the solution, not the problem. Don’t waste time talking to people about your problems after you talk to God. He gave you the solution! If you feel like you didn’t get one, remain silent. Then go back and pray again! Wait on God to respond. Put all your trust in God! Yes, God uses people all the time to get His work done, but people are not our Savior. Jesus is! Jesus name means “Savior!”
Execute. Create a plan for improvement. Allow your plan to include God’s Plan. You know the plan He gave you in Step Two? Then simply be like Nike and Just Do It!
Root issues must be addressed and “Cut at the Root!” for us to become whole and produce more good fruit! To be made whole all you need is one touch from God. The lady with the issue of blood, touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. Instantly, she was made whole! It was not the garment, but her faith. Because she believed, her faith in God made her whole. I invite you today to believe again. Christmas is the perfect time to renew your faith. Now get the steppin’. Walk in your wholeness!
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Comments (4)
What a great lesson!
Keana, Thank you for comment.
Jessica Pipkins
This is a great post!! Go girl!
Jessica, Thank you for your feedback! Feel free to share. 🙌🏾
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