
Brand Identity 101

Blog post / Brand Management

Brand Identity 101

[box] Creating a Strong Brand Identity is the Key Ingredient to Boosting your Career to the Next Level![/box]

Applying forecasting techniques and decision making skills creates insight and leads to a strong brand identity. Insight is knowledge and as we all know, knowledge is power. Gaining knowledge is the power business owners need to transition from surviving to thriving. What does knowledge have to do with brand identity? Thank you for asking McCoy another great question. The Answer: It identifies behavior patterns in your target audience. It helps you to understand who you are and why you do what you do. Most importantly, “brand identity” is the root to next level ministry. I know you are asking for me to tell you more. Well, “McCoy’s pleasure!”

Brand identity is how a company or person wants to be perceived by someone else. The consumer creates a mental perception (a visual) based on images and messages from the sender. The sender has the power to influence a culture by building a genuine relationship with its target audience. It is MMS’s key ingredient to connecting with our audience.

Brand Identity is found in:

  1. Logos
  2. Blogs
  3. Names
  4. Slogans
  5. Hashtags
  6. Consistent messages
  7. Company colors and packaging designs

Take a look at McCoy Marketing Solutions logo design located at the top left corner of this page. It’s created with two letter M’s for McCoy Marketing displayed in a distinguished yellow gold mustard color palette. Hex: #ffcd04 color description to be exact! In the center of the M’s is the letter S for Solutions. MMS’s company logo is directly connected to our brand identity by telling what products and services offered (Marketing) and who offers them (McCoy). This is Branding 101! 

A key ingredient is both brand identity (how you want to be perceived in the mind of your customers) and brand image (how you’re actually perceived in the mind of your customers) match.

A key ingredient is both brand identity and brand image match!”

Pop Quiz: Pause and take a second look at our logo. Did you see the two M’s between the S is a crown? If so, you passed the test. Brand Identity + Brand Image = Brand Recognition. The ability to combine a company’s name (McCoy Marketing Solutions) with an image (a crown) is simply good marketing. Apple used an apple and Coca Cola used a coke can.

Whether you are discovering your brand identity for your company or personal gain, take heed to the following warnings:

1st Warning: Trust the Process. The journey is a process. A process is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. Taking the time to discover your identity requires courage and moments of silence. You will ask yourself challenging questions. Be prepared to accept honest answers about yourself and be willing to make necessary changes if needed. The journey could lead anywhere, from entrepreneurship, to working in ministry, or even parenting decisions. The possibilities are endless.

2nd Warning: Get the Facts. False assumptions can lead to misrepresentation of your target audience. Study yourself and your audience identity to build strong brand awareness. 

3rd Warning: Protect Your Identity. Invest in legal representation. If your company doesn’t have an entity established, legal accounts in place, or even trademarks, Get it done! A thief could steal your information and act like it’s their own. Need help? Complete MMS Contact Form!

Let’s end with the beginning in mind. Insight is knowledge and knowledge is power. Knowing your true brand identity creates power for growth. As a business owner, you have the authority to determine how you are perceived to your current and potential clients. Keep in mind, messages and images can be helpful or harmful. You have the power to decide how your brand will influence the consumer. Don’t manipulate your power by using false advertisement to sway your audience. Strong branding is done with integrity. Be a Leader, Be Consistent, and Build Relationships!  

[box] Gaining an understanding of your identity shapes your character and the image you betray to the world. Like a business, a person is also a brand. “You are a brand worth investing in! Be Consistent!”[/box]


Happy Holidays,



Founder & CEO


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Comments (2)

  1. Tarlease Jones

    Thank you for this insight into Branding 101. It’s always curious to me how people are able to represent themselves and or their companies. With what seems like “simplicity” to the unknown consumer.

    However. After reading this article. I see that it takes time, silence and diligence to build your brand into a positive representation of You and Your Company.

    1. Tarlease,

      Thank you for taking the time to share. You are absolutely correct. Part of discovering who you are and your brand is learning your true identity.
      P.S. Our true identity is found in Christ!

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